3 At Home Workouts

Are you ready to get moving?

Our team has come up with 3 simple, at-home workouts that you can use each week.  You can choose to do them on something like a M/W/F for a 3x a week sort of thing, or complete it twice in one week by repeating the sessions.  Assess your current needs and what is realistic for you to commit to right now, and then plan these sessions into your day.

These sessions combined create a well-rounded training regimen for the week that address all of the main movement patterns and muscle groups that need to be moving.  You should be able to challenge yourself (at your needed level) with these workouts by modifying the intensity through speed (although that doesn't always mean doing it faster!), rest time, number of reps, weight/load on the movement, etc.



DAY 1:


DAY 2:


DAY 3:


3 comments on “3 At Home Workouts”

    1. are they similar to OSI movements? If not. why do you prefer the other exercises?

      1. Hi John, I'm not sure how we missed this message! I'm sorry about that! These are very much what we do at OSi and include all the basic human movements and the Original Strength Resets 🙂 - These sessions are set up to be a full body program.

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